Alexander Lutz
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, ETH Zurich
Discussing, initiating new paths and reflecting with different people is extremely fruitful and motivates me as a coach. By coaching several projects, e.g. at Student Project House or Innovation Project at ETH, or as ski instructor and youth leader, I acquired experiences in teaching and got familiar with workshop design and the methods of Design Thinking. With teampact, I am thrilled to apply and extend my knowledge by collaborating with inspiring people!

Kerrin Weiss
PhD Student Mechanical Engineering, ETH Zurich
My goal as a coach is to help others pushing their boundaries. I love „Aha“-Moments and enjoy creating a good atmosphere. Through teampact I am able to exchange experiences, learn a lot from fellow coaches and getting provoked to new thoughts. My experience ranges from coaching one on one, moderating workshops up to 100 people and coaching engineering teams of 5-50 people over multiple months.

Philipp Scherrer
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, ETH Zurich
I really like to see how different teams work together and to adjust my coaching to the individual team needs. I love to guide teams with self-reflections to an improvement of their performance. My experience ranges from coaching engineering teams over multiple months to teaching lectures and creating workshops.

Isabelle Hofmann
Master Student Mechanical Engineering, ETH Zurich
I love getting surprised by the creativity of a team, being swept up by their passion and seeing their Vision come to life. Coaching is for me like laying the ground floor for them to build a spaceship on to fly off with. After coaching teams in the Innovation Project and facilitating the coaching lecture, teampact allows me to reflect on my methods, learn new ones and exchange ideas and experiences with a wast network of other coaches.

Michael Liem
PhD Student Mechanical Engineering, ETH Zurich
I am fascinated by how much impact a coach can have on the performance of a team. The teampact network is a great opportunity for me to exchange coaching experience with like-minded students from different backgrounds. While I learn their approaches and methods, I can pass my knowledge on to them.

Zuzi Hajickova
MSc in Business Psychology, UZH
I have a passion for organising groups into inclusive, happy and effective teams. High performing teams need psychological safety, creativity and inspirational leadership. I’m blending my studies in Psychology, Creativity and Leadership with training in Neuroscience, Well-being and Mindfulness. I leverage the knowledge that I gathered over the years as a business consultant to support the teams in developing new ways of working that are not only effective but also sustainable.

Sebastian Suter
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, ETH Zurich
After coaching innovation project teams for three years I decided to write my bachelor thesis about team success. It’s fascinating how a coach can influence the important variables that correlate with team success. With teampact I have the possibility to keep on coaching diverse interdisciplinary teams with demanding tasks and share my experience with peers.

Gina Buzziol
MSc in Mechanical Engineering, ETH Zurich
Every team has its own group dynamic and it’s not only one that leads to success. I love to see these different dynamics and to adapt my coaching to it. Having been a coach for the Innovation Project at ETH, I’ve also grown to love seeing teams evolve from the very beginning up to being a performing team. As an ARIS coach I could broaden my coaching experience even more. What I value about teampact is that it gives me the opportunity to apply and extend my knowledge of coaching and share experiences with other coaches.

Nikolai Püllen
PhD Student in Health Sciences, ETH Zurich
Only through connection and exchange are we able to experience our life in the deepest and most meaningful way possible. Bringing people together by organizing events, leading meaningful discussions and addressing challenges in life is my core passion. Through my own experience, different seminars a fine selection of good books, I acquired easy-to-apply knowledge to simplify our seemingly complex life into a purpose-driven journey. Teampact enables me to assist people from different backgrounds while multiplying the effect of learning by sharing experiences and growing together.

Eeva Tervahartiala
MSc in Management, Technology and Economics, ETH Zurich | Digital Consultant
I have lead and coached student organizations and in my current job as a digital consultant, I get to help teams transform their ways of working and reach high-performance. I use tools from agile, Design Thinking, and organizational psychology to enable teams to find creative solutions to their problems. I enjoy tough challenges and I see constructive feedback and crises as a chance to grow as individuals and as a team.

Judith Wemmer
Dr. sc. in Food Process Engineering, ETH Zurich
Throughout my activities as team member and coach – be it at university or in sports – I enjoyed to observe that well-functioning collaboration allows team members to exceed their capabilities and maximize output. At teampact, I can not only share my experience but most importantly learn from my peers how approaches, methodologies, and frameworks can help to foster collaboration and facilitate team processes.

Enrico Scoccimarro
MSc in Materials Science, ETH Zurich
After two years of ETH Week, one as student and one as coach, I begin to understand the enormous importance of a coach for team development, cohesion, performance, and success. It is fascinating how a coach can help teams discover different approaches to achieve their goals by combining communication and human psychology. I joined teampact to share my coaching experience and further develop my coaching skills by absorbing the experiences of the other members.

Marcel Neidinger
Master Student Computer Science
Being genuinely interested in the way humans collaborate and create in groups I started tutoring high school student teams while still being in high school myself. After 5 years of coaching research teams and a year of ETH Week, I begin to grasp the impact a coach can have on his team. What I am trying to facilitate and what drives me is the magic moment when a team starts to “click” and really work together, combining all their individual skills and greatness to achieve one common goal.

Diana Darowski
PhD Student Immunology, Roche & LMU München
What drives me as a coach is the chance of opening people’s eyes, create awareness and support them in their journey of growing. Being part of teampact gives me the opportunity to work with highly motivated people that share their love for coaching.
I enjoy fruitful discussions, the exchange of knowledge and I am always surprised to see what can be possible if you ask the right questions.

Christos Glaros
MSc in Materials Science, ETH Zurich
I am amazed by how much more creative and productive the “collective brain” of a well-functioning team can be compared to the brain of a single person. During my engagement as tutor of a team at ETH Week I realized that a team’s performance can be strongly influenced by the actions of a coach. I joined teampact to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of teamwork. Teampact enables me to so by exchanging coaching experiences with other coaches, learning from more experienced coaches and finally practicing my coaching skills in workshops, which are organized by teampact.

Bianca Curcio
MSc in Agriculture Science, ETH Zurich
Through our student organization I’ve got the opportunity to become a soft skill trainer at the youth trainer academy in Lithuania. I started delivering my first trainings, and it amazes me how different the learning effect can be by adapting the way to provide knowledge to the participants. With teampact, I got the right platform to exchange my personal learning experience and not only improve my role in a team but as well empower others to succeed in theirs.

Julian Scherer
Mobility Master Student in Food Science, ETH Zurich
I’m really passionate about introducing specific preconditions into teams to perform at their best. Having gathered experience in sports-coaching, I enjoy exchanging insights & learnings with fellows in this community. I have an inner conviction that there is an ocean of untapped potential that resides within us, as individuals and as groups. My mission is to discover, practice and share tools & techniques, empowering our ability to access creativity, productivity, (group) flow and excitement in each step towards our goals.

Müge Özlütiras
MA in Comparative and International Studies, ETH Zurich
Always having been fascinated with the perfection of human brain, my coaching journey started when I was 18 as I was coaching several kids throughout their primary education. I was truly thrilled by every moment that I realised the impact I had on them as well as teachings I got out of these experiences. Coaching at ETH Week allowed me to take this interest of mine to another level alongside introducing me to design thinking. Now as a member of teampact, I am not only able to acquire further coaching experience, but I also have an amazing opportunity to share and learn with other coaches.