by teampact | Jan 20, 2022 | Coaching & Facilitation
What is coaching? What skills do I need as a coach? How can I coach my student team at Swissloop Tunneling? These and other questions were answered in our first workshop “Coaching at Swissloop Tunneling”. teampact was invited for a workshop on coaching technical teams...
by teampact | Aug 25, 2021 | Coaching & Facilitation
Long to do lists, more and more tasks you have to take on, and a lot of stakeholders you need to satisfy – that’s an enormous challenge! Prioritization seems to be a logical step, but what does it mean to prioritize and how can you do that effectively? To answer...
by teampact | Jun 3, 2021 | Teaching
This spring semester teampact facilitators were once again working with pdz and LET to support the blended learning lectures coaching innovation-projects and coaching students (read our blog entries from FS20, HS19 and FS19). The virtual setting of the project courses...
by teampact | May 6, 2021 | Teaching
Find your leadership style and live it “This gave me a lot of new ideas.”“Now I am much more confident as a leader.”“Super useful and interesting content!” In Spring 2021, for the third time, teampact organized a Leadership Training for students and fresh graduates....
by teampact | May 5, 2021 | Coaching & Facilitation
Teampact was invited by the scientific excellence and well-being initiative of VMI, the scientific staff association of the Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich. We were asked to support their idea of holding workshops to promote mental strength and soft...