What is coaching? What skills do I need as a coach? How can I coach my student team at Swissloop Tunneling? These and other questions were answered in our first workshop “Coaching at Swissloop Tunneling”. teampact was invited for a workshop on coaching technical teams by Swissloop Tunneling, the Zurich student initiative researching on infrastructure which allows the (Hyper)loop concept to become reality.
In this online workshop, 10 very motivated people, interested in coaching, joined us to get to know basic coaching techniques. We were happy to mix our inputs on the theory of asking questions, active listening, observing and feedback with interactive exercises. The active and interested contribution of the participants made the workshop very vivid and we were pleased to see that all participants took away their individual learnings in the final flashlight.
We were happy to support Swissloop with our workshop and teampact is looking forward to the collaboration offering further workshops.