Win-Sharing Workshop

Win-Sharing Workshop

In this week’s recurring team-meeting, we were happy to welcome three new members into our Team: Aashna, Gina, and Tiago. Additionally, our also newly recruited member Julian was willing to introduce some novel elements from his previous experience. Hence, we...
MAKEathon with Swiss Food Research

MAKEathon with Swiss Food Research

In only two and a half days, the seven teams at the MAKEitMEAT-less MAKEathon had to go through a full design thinking process – due to covid-19, the whole workshop was online. In the end, after an intense weekend, they had the opportunity to pitch their ideas and...
Entrepreneurship Camp

Entrepreneurship Camp

This year, we had again the opportunity to support the team of BizSmart Global on their high-tech entrepreneurship camps at Kantonsschule Hottingen. Two facilitators from our network supported the one-week program. The schedule for this year’s program was quite...
Coaching Innovation Projects (FS 20)

Coaching Innovation Projects (FS 20)

In FS20 teampact was again supporting the pdz lecture about coaching innovation projects (read our blog entry from FS19). Due to the worldwide pandemic and ETHs decision to fully switch to online teaching, teampact was heavily involved in the virtualization of this...
Moderation Job for ETH Juniors

Moderation Job for ETH Juniors

Discovering the customer journey was the main part in this industrial cooperation. ETH Juniors hired two coaches of our team to help their partner developing the future marketing strategy by getting valuable insights of potential customers. For that, the methodology...